Get Involved
Vacatur Attorney Network (VAN)
Why Was VAN Created?
Free to Thrive launched the Vacatur Attorney Network in 2021 to bring together legal professionals across California who are working with trafficking survivors on record clearing cases.
What Does VAN Do?
Shares resources to assist attorneys in preparing petitions;
Provides training and technical assistance to attorneys representing survivors pro bono in vacatur proceedings;
Facilitates regular discussions and workshops on topics such as best practices, jurisdictional differences in procedures, and getting a clean RAP (DOJ report) sheet;
Identifies partners within the network who are best positioned to serve a survivor’s needs.
To register for VAN and to receive updates and announcements, please fill out the form on this page. Only those registered as members receive VAN related updates and announcements.
We also host a statewide Vacatur Open Forum on the 4th Monday of each month.
How Do I Sign Up for VAN?
Additional Resource
Trauma-Informed Practice Guide
Free to Thrive’s Practice Guide is for sale in both print and digital versions, with all proceeds benefitting human trafficking survivors and their families.