Working with Trauma Victims Part 3: Addressing Societal Trauma in the Justice System

While it is important to consider the individual effects of trauma on survivors in the justice system, it is also essential to consider the socio-cultural context of where the trauma(s) occurred and the dynamics of the justice system where the case is being considered. Societal and environmental factors such as systematic and structural racism, unequal access to care, cultural and personal bias, as well as historical traumas impact how survivors from marginalized communities engage with the justice system. This presentation is designed to provide context on the impact of socio-cultural factors in the justice system, explore the different types and areas of work needed to improve care for survivors. This training also engages with professionals on how these factors influence interactions and experiences within the justice system.


Advanced Trauma Training: Mental Health Impacts of Trafficking


Working with Trauma Victims Part 2: Overcoming Vicarious Trauma